Priorities and Checklists

I feel like I lost momentum with this blog… every day it seems like I fly off in a different direction, and end up with several half-finished projects. Today I spent a little more time making a thoughtful To-Do List, and happily, I seem to have most of it done!

My car is having body work done, so I’ve been carless since last Wednesday. I managed to drag my laundry to the laundromat this morning, muttering the whole way. Something along the lines of “Yay! So grateful to live with walking distance!” with a little bit of self-pity thrown in, since it would have been ridiculous to ask someone to drive me to it.

I also tackled inventorying my cards, and adding a few more to the Shop AND dropping some off at Whistle Emporium here in Hardwick (I’ve been in town since May and hadn’t bothered to check to see how my stock was holding up… she was down to 3 cards. Whoops.)

What else? Winter is on the way. I’ve had a fire in the stove a few times now (90 degrees in the living room, 50 degrees in the rest of the place)… and the kayak is safely stashed in the wood shed. When I paid my electric bill this week the woman at the counter was so excited about snow since she loves to ski. I tried to act excited with her but think I failed.